Windsor Distributing Inc.

Homebrew Class

Upcoming Classes

We offer Homebrew classes periodically throughout the year. Our Intro to Brew class covers everything you need to know to start brewing your own beer from the comfort of your home. Our All-grain class is for the more advanced brewers who want the ultimate level of flexibility and control over the characteristics and quality of their beer. The instructor gives a demonstration during all classes, as well as provides samples of the beer style brewed in class. Additionally, attendees receive a special coupon for homebrew purchases made the same day as the class.

800 South Fourth Street, Hamburg, PA 19526 US
 +1 (610) 562-2474

Windsor Homebrew

We offer a convenient selection of the most popular homebrew products. We also offer special ordering of more specialized equipment and ingredients. Click here to check out our suppliers' website to see the complete list of homebrew products we can order for you. Items we always have in stock include:
Equipment Kits
Ingredient Kits
Bottles (Wine, Beer, Growlers)
Buckets and Lids
Cleaning Chemicals and Supplies
Processing Aids
and more!